Project MOSAIC Statistics and Mathematics Teaching Utilities
Data sets and utilities from Project MOSAIC () usedto teach mathematics, statistics, computation and modeling. Funded by theNSF, Project MOSAIC is a community of educators working to tie togetheraspects of quantitative work that students in science, technology,engineering and mathematics will need in their professional lives, butwhich are usually taught in isolation, if at all.
MOSAIC Reference Data. If you have a MATLAB license, we recommend that you install the Mosaic MATLAB Package because of the API and because it starts up more quickly than the Mosaic Standalone. Since Mosaic version 1.1, you must also have a Mosaic license. You can request a Mosaic license from the Inscopix website, which should also provide further instructions. The Mosaic 1% Edition. Online casino complaints. Rated 3 out of 5 stars. There are 21 reviews 21. $20.99 + Show more. 0 out of 1 people found this helpful. Open in new tab. Sign me up Stay informed about special deals, the latest products, events, and more from Microsoft Store. Available to United States residents. I have Mosaic 1.0 license, do I need to buy license for Mosaic 2? No, You don't need to buy anything, old Mosaic licenses are automatically updated to Mosaic 2 free of charge!
title: The mosaic package
Purpose and design
The mosaic package is designed to facilitate the use of R in statistics and calculusinstruction by providing a number of functions that (a) make many common tasks fitinto a common template, and (b) simplify some tasks that would otherwise be toocomplicated for beginners.
You install from CRAN using
or from github with Adobe photoshop cs 8 system requirements.
If you want to try out our developmental code (the beta branch), use
Some features of the mosaic package have been split off into auxiliary packages. These include:
- mosaicModel -- implements high-level systems for working with statistical models: effect-size calculation, bootstrapped confidence intervals, prediction error, graphics for models with multiple inputs. The package contains an introductory vignette.
- mosaicCalc -- provides the calculus components of mosaic, including integration, differentiation, and differential equation solving.
Install these packages using install.packages(c('mosaicCalc', 'mosaicModel'))
or from GitHub as described above.
Updates to the master github repository are more frequent than CRAN updates.Our beta branch is where we implement bug fixes most quickly and develop new features.We try to keep it pretty stable, but there may be a few rough edges, missing documentation, etc. while things are in progress.
If you discover a problem with any version of the package, be sure to let us know so that we can address it. Post an issue on github or send email to
Getting Started with mosaic
The package includes several vignettes to help you get started. One of these vignettes (Resources Related to the mosaic package) includes a list of many resources, both within thepackage and external to it. That's a good place to start.
Getting Help
Need help? Try posting a question on Stack Overflow using the tag r-mosaic.
Project MOSAIC
Calcpad 1 1 – notepad and calculator. Project MOSAIC is a community of educators working to develop a new way to introduce mathematics, statistics, computation and modeling to students in colleges and universities.
Our goal: Provide a broader approach to quantitative studies that provides better support for work in science and technology. The focus of the project is to tie together better diverse aspects of quantitative work that students in science, technology, and engineering will need in their professional lives, but which are today usually taught in isolation, if at all.
- Modeling. The ability to create, manipulate and investigate useful and informative mathematical representations of a real-world situations.
- Statistics. The analysis of variability that draws on our ability to quantify uncertainty and to draw logical inferences from observations and experiment.
- Computation. The capacity to think algorithmically, to manage data on large scales, to visualize and interact with models, and to automate tasks for efficiency, accuracy, and reproducibility.
- Calculus. The traditional mathematical entry point for college and university students and a subject that still has the potential to provide important insights to today's students.
The name MOSAIC reflects the first letters --- M, S, C, C --- of these important components of a quantitative education. Project MOSAIC is motivated by a vision of quantitative education as a mosaic where the basic materials come together to form a complete and compelling picture.
Find out more about Project MOSAIC at [].
Functions in mosaic
Name | Description |
bargraph | Create bar graphs from raw data |
MAD_ | All pairs mean and sum of absolute differences |
binom.test | Exact Tests for Proportions |
cnorm | Central Probability in a Normal or T Distribution |
cdist | Central portion of a distribution |
confint | Confidence interval methods for output of resampling |
FunctionsFromData | Create function from data |
CIAdata | Return a dataset based on the CIA World Factbook |
Broyden | Multi-Dimensional Root Finding |
mean_ | Aggregating functions |
chisq | Extract Chi-squared statistic |
aggregatingFunction1or2 | 1- or 2-ary aggregating functions |
findZeros | Find zeros of functions |
deg2rad | Convert between degrees and radians |
freqpoly | Turn histograms into frequency polygons |
maggregate | Aggregate for mosaic |
fortify.summary.lm | Extract data from R objects |
ntiles | Create vector based on roughly equally sized groups |
dpqrdist | Distribution wrapper |
compareMean | Defunct functions |
expandFun | Expand the left-hand side of a formula |
orrr | Odds Ratio and Relative Risk for 2 x 2 Contingency Tables |
aggregatingFunction2 | 2-ary aggregating functions |
fortify.hclust | mosaic tools for clustering |
panel.plotFun | Panel function for plotting functions |
zscore | Compute z-scores |
swap | Swap values among columns of a data frame |
panel.plotFun1 | Panel function for plotting functions |
rlatlon | Sample longitude and latitude on a sphere |
surround | Format strings for pretty output |
xqqmath | Augmented version of qqmath |
rspin | Simulate spinning a spinner |
derivedVariable | Create new variables from logicals |
findZerosMult | Find the zeros of a function of two or more variables |
as.xtabs | Convert objects to xtabs format |
linear.algebra | Functions for teaching linear algebra. |
mplot | Generic plotting |
leaflet_map | Simple Leaflet Maps |
mosaic.options | Setting options for mosaic package functions |
design_plot | Interactively design plots |
fitModel | Fit a nonlinear least squares model |
diffmean | Difference in means and proportions |
fetchData | Defunct functions now in the fetch package |
cull_for_do | Cull objects used with do() |
cor_test.formula | Alternative formula interface for cor.test |
factorize | Conditionally convert vectors to factors |
inferArgs | Infer arguments |
googleMap | Display a point on earth on a Google Map |
do | Do Things Repeatedly |
plotDist | Plots of Discrete and Continuous Distributions |
freqpolygon | Frequency Polygons |
mPlot | Interactive plotting |
mUSMap | Make a US map with ggplot2 |
fav_stats | Some favorite statistical summaries |
getVarFormula | Extract data from a data frame using a formula interface |
fitSpline | Fit splines to data |
mWorldMap | Make a world map with ggplot2 |
makeColorscheme | Create a color generating function from a vector of colors |
ladd | Add to Lattice Plots |
makeMap | Make a map with ggplot2 |
cross | Factor cross products |
.is.formula | Check if formula |
plotFun | Plotting mathematical expressions |
xyz2latlon | Convert back and forth between latitude/longitude and XYZ-space |
panel.levelcontourplot | Lattice plot that draws a filled contour plot |
rand | Random Regressors |
pdist | Illustrated probability calculations from distributions |
panel.lmbands | show confidence and prediction bands on plots |
docFile | Return the path to a documentation file in a package |
dotPlot | Dotplots |
plotCumfreq | Cumulative frequency plots |
read.file | Read data files |
mid | midpoints along a sequence |
qdist | Illustrated quantile calculations from distributions |
prop_test | Internal function for testing proportion |
plotModel | Plot a regression model |
plotPoints | Scatter plot of points |
confint.htest | Extract summary statistics |
is.wholenumber | Check for whole number values |
set.rseed | Set seed in parallel compatible way |
rsquared | Extract r-squared value |
sp2df | Transforms a shapefile into a dataframe |
project | Projections |
rstudio_is_available | Check whether RStudio is in use |
repeater-class | Repeater objects |
prop.test | Exact and Approximate Tests for Proportions |
qdata_v | The Data Distribution |
qdata | The Data Distribution |
mosaic-package | mosaic: the Project MOSAIC package |
standardName | Standardization of Geographic Names |
statTally | Tally test statistics |
t_test | Student's t-Test |
rflip | Tossing Coins |
rescale | Rescale |
resample | More Random Samples |
reexports | Objects exported from other packages |
relm | Resample a Linear Model |
theme_map | ggplot2 theme for maps |
rfun | Generate a natural-looking function |
theme.mosaic | Lattice Theme |
update_ci | Update confidence interval |
xhistogramBreaks | Augmented histograms |
xpnorm | Augmented versions of pnorm and qnorm |
value | Extract value from an object |
rgeo-internals | rgeo internal functions |
xchisq.test | Augmented Chi-squared test |
CIsim | Compute confidence intervals from (multiple) simulated data sets |
MAD | All pairs mean and sum of absolute differences |
adapt_seq | Adaptively generate sequences in an interval |
TukeyHSD.lm | Additional interfaces to TukeyHSD |
Sleep | Sleep and Memory |
Mustangs | Mustang Prices |
aggregatingFunction1 | 1-ary Aggregating functions |
ashplot | Average Shifted Histograms |
No Results! |
Vignettes of mosaic
Name |
images/MikeMcCarthy.jpg |
images/SaintExupery.jpg |
web-only/GraphicsWithMosaic.Rmd |
web-only/LessVolume-MoreCreativity.Rmd |
web-only/ggformula-lattice.Rmd |
web-only/half-mplot.png |
web-only/mplot.png |
web-only/pruim-horton-kaplan.bib |
MinimalRgg.Rnw |
Resampling.Rmd |
language.sty |
mosaic-resources.Rmd |
mosaic.sty |
No Results! |
Last month downloads
Type | Package |
VignetteBuilder | knitr |
License | GPL (>= 2) |
LazyLoad | yes |
LazyData | yes |
URL |, |
BugReports | |
RoxygenNote | 7.1.1 |
Encoding | UTF-8 |
NeedsCompilation | no |
Packaged | 2021-01-17 02:04:02 UTC; rpruim |
Repository | CRAN |
Date/Publication | 2021-01-18 16:50:02 UTC |
depends | , R (>= 3.0.0) |
imports | broom , dplyr , ggdendro , ggformula , ggplot2 , ggrepel , ggridges , ggstance , glue , grid , gridExtra , lattice (>= 0.20-21) , latticeExtra , leaflet , MASS , Matrix , methods , mosaicCore (>= 0.7.0) , mosaicData , readr , rlang (>= 0.4.7) , splines , tidyr , utils |
suggests | covr , formatR , knitr , lubridate , magrittr , mapproj , maptools , NHANES , palmerpenguins , parallel , RCurl , rgl , rmarkdown , sp , testthat , tools , vcd , vdiffr |
enhances | manipulate |
Contributors | Nicholas Horton, Daniel T. Kaplan |
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Https calendar google com calendar r. [![Rdoc](](
Project MOSAIC Statistics and Mathematics Teaching Utilities
Postico 1 4 4. Data sets and utilities from Project MOSAIC () usedto teach mathematics, statistics, computation and modeling. Funded by theNSF, Project MOSAIC is a community of educators working to tie togetheraspects of quantitative work that students in science, technology,engineering and mathematics will need in their professional lives, butwhich are usually taught in isolation, if at all.
title: The mosaic package
Purpose and design
The mosaic package is designed to facilitate the use of R in statistics and calculusinstruction by providing a number of functions that (a) make many common tasks fitinto a common template, and (b) simplify some tasks that would otherwise be toocomplicated for beginners.
You install from CRAN using
or from github with
If you want to try out our developmental code (the beta branch), use
Some features of the mosaic package have been split off into auxiliary packages. These include: Instastack 1 82.
- mosaicModel -- implements high-level systems for working with statistical models: effect-size calculation, bootstrapped confidence intervals, prediction error, graphics for models with multiple inputs. The package contains an introductory vignette.
- mosaicCalc -- provides the calculus components of mosaic, including integration, differentiation, and differential equation solving.
Install these packages using install.packages(c('mosaicCalc', 'mosaicModel'))
or from GitHub as described above.
Updates to the master github repository are more frequent than CRAN updates.Our beta branch is where we implement bug fixes most quickly and develop new features.We try to keep it pretty stable, but there may be a few rough edges, missing documentation, etc. while things are in progress.
If you discover a problem with any version of the package, be sure to let us know so that we can address it. Post an issue on github or send email to
Getting Started with mosaic
The package includes several vignettes to help you get started. One of these vignettes (Resources Related to the mosaic package) includes a list of many resources, both within thepackage and external to it. That's a good place to start.
If you discover a problem with any version of the package, be sure to let us know so that we can address it. Post an issue on github or send email to
Getting Started with mosaic
The package includes several vignettes to help you get started. One of these vignettes (Resources Related to the mosaic package) includes a list of many resources, both within thepackage and external to it. That's a good place to start.
Getting Help
Need help? Try posting a question on Stack Overflow using the tag r-mosaic.
Project MOSAIC
Project MOSAIC is a community of educators working to develop a new way to introduce mathematics, statistics, computation and modeling to students in colleges and universities.
Our goal: Provide a broader approach to quantitative studies that provides better support for work in science and technology. The focus of the project is to tie together better diverse aspects of quantitative work that students in science, technology, and engineering will need in their professional lives, but which are today usually taught in isolation, if at all.
- Modeling. The ability to create, manipulate and investigate useful and informative mathematical representations of a real-world situations.
- Statistics. The analysis of variability that draws on our ability to quantify uncertainty and to draw logical inferences from observations and experiment.
- Computation. The capacity to think algorithmically, to manage data on large scales, to visualize and interact with models, and to automate tasks for efficiency, accuracy, and reproducibility.
- Calculus. The traditional mathematical entry point for college and university students and a subject that still has the potential to provide important insights to today's students.
The name MOSAIC reflects the first letters --- M, S, C, C --- of these important components of a quantitative education. Project MOSAIC is motivated by a vision of quantitative education as a mosaic where the basic materials come together to form a complete and compelling picture.
Find out more about Project MOSAIC at [].
Functions in mosaic
Name | Description |
bargraph | Create bar graphs from raw data |
MAD_ | All pairs mean and sum of absolute differences |
binom.test | Exact Tests for Proportions |
cnorm | Central Probability in a Normal or T Distribution |
cdist | Central portion of a distribution |
confint | Confidence interval methods for output of resampling |
FunctionsFromData | Create function from data |
CIAdata | Return a dataset based on the CIA World Factbook |
Broyden | Multi-Dimensional Root Finding |
mean_ | Aggregating functions |
chisq | Extract Chi-squared statistic |
aggregatingFunction1or2 | 1- or 2-ary aggregating functions |
findZeros | Find zeros of functions |
deg2rad | Convert between degrees and radians |
freqpoly | Turn histograms into frequency polygons |
maggregate | Aggregate for mosaic |
fortify.summary.lm | Extract data from R objects |
ntiles | Create vector based on roughly equally sized groups |
dpqrdist | Distribution wrapper |
compareMean | Defunct functions |
expandFun | Expand the left-hand side of a formula |
orrr | Odds Ratio and Relative Risk for 2 x 2 Contingency Tables |
aggregatingFunction2 | 2-ary aggregating functions |
fortify.hclust | mosaic tools for clustering |
panel.plotFun | Panel function for plotting functions |
zscore | Compute z-scores |
swap | Swap values among columns of a data frame |
panel.plotFun1 | Panel function for plotting functions |
rlatlon | Sample longitude and latitude on a sphere |
surround | Format strings for pretty output |
xqqmath | Augmented version of qqmath |
rspin | Simulate spinning a spinner |
derivedVariable | Create new variables from logicals |
findZerosMult | Find the zeros of a function of two or more variables |
as.xtabs | Convert objects to xtabs format |
linear.algebra | Functions for teaching linear algebra. |
mplot | Generic plotting |
leaflet_map | Simple Leaflet Maps |
mosaic.options | Setting options for mosaic package functions |
design_plot | Interactively design plots |
fitModel | Fit a nonlinear least squares model |
diffmean | Difference in means and proportions |
fetchData | Defunct functions now in the fetch package |
cull_for_do | Cull objects used with do() |
cor_test.formula | Alternative formula interface for cor.test |
factorize | Conditionally convert vectors to factors |
inferArgs | Infer arguments |
googleMap | Display a point on earth on a Google Map |
do | Do Things Repeatedly |
plotDist | Plots of Discrete and Continuous Distributions |
freqpolygon | Frequency Polygons |
mPlot | Interactive plotting |
mUSMap | Make a US map with ggplot2 |
fav_stats | Some favorite statistical summaries |
getVarFormula | Extract data from a data frame using a formula interface |
fitSpline | Fit splines to data |
mWorldMap | Make a world map with ggplot2 |
makeColorscheme | Create a color generating function from a vector of colors |
ladd | Add to Lattice Plots |
makeMap | Make a map with ggplot2 |
cross | Factor cross products |
.is.formula | Check if formula |
plotFun | Plotting mathematical expressions |
xyz2latlon | Convert back and forth between latitude/longitude and XYZ-space |
panel.levelcontourplot | Lattice plot that draws a filled contour plot |
rand | Random Regressors |
pdist | Illustrated probability calculations from distributions |
panel.lmbands | show confidence and prediction bands on plots |
docFile | Return the path to a documentation file in a package |
dotPlot | Dotplots |
plotCumfreq | Cumulative frequency plots |
read.file | Read data files |
mid | midpoints along a sequence |
qdist | Illustrated quantile calculations from distributions |
prop_test | Internal function for testing proportion |
plotModel | Plot a regression model |
plotPoints | Scatter plot of points |
confint.htest | Extract summary statistics |
is.wholenumber | Check for whole number values |
set.rseed | Set seed in parallel compatible way |
rsquared | Extract r-squared value |
sp2df | Transforms a shapefile into a dataframe |
project | Projections |
rstudio_is_available | Check whether RStudio is in use |
repeater-class | Repeater objects |
prop.test | Exact and Approximate Tests for Proportions |
qdata_v | The Data Distribution |
qdata | The Data Distribution |
mosaic-package | mosaic: the Project MOSAIC package |
standardName | Standardization of Geographic Names |
statTally | Tally test statistics |
t_test | Student's t-Test |
rflip | Tossing Coins |
rescale | Rescale |
resample | More Random Samples |
reexports | Objects exported from other packages |
relm | Resample a Linear Model |
theme_map | ggplot2 theme for maps |
rfun | Generate a natural-looking function |
theme.mosaic | Lattice Theme |
update_ci | Update confidence interval |
xhistogramBreaks | Augmented histograms |
xpnorm | Augmented versions of pnorm and qnorm |
value | Extract value from an object |
rgeo-internals | rgeo internal functions |
xchisq.test | Augmented Chi-squared test |
CIsim | Compute confidence intervals from (multiple) simulated data sets |
MAD | All pairs mean and sum of absolute differences |
adapt_seq | Adaptively generate sequences in an interval |
TukeyHSD.lm | Additional interfaces to TukeyHSD |
Sleep | Sleep and Memory |
Mustangs | Mustang Prices |
aggregatingFunction1 | 1-ary Aggregating functions |
ashplot | Average Shifted Histograms |
No Results! |
Vignettes of mosaic
Name |
images/MikeMcCarthy.jpg |
images/SaintExupery.jpg |
web-only/GraphicsWithMosaic.Rmd |
web-only/LessVolume-MoreCreativity.Rmd |
web-only/ggformula-lattice.Rmd |
web-only/half-mplot.png |
web-only/mplot.png |
web-only/pruim-horton-kaplan.bib |
MinimalRgg.Rnw |
Resampling.Rmd |
language.sty |
mosaic-resources.Rmd |
mosaic.sty |
No Results! |
Last month downloads
1/2 Copy And Paste
Type | Package |
VignetteBuilder | knitr |
License | GPL (>= 2) |
LazyLoad | yes |
LazyData | yes |
URL |, |
BugReports | |
RoxygenNote | 7.1.1 |
Encoding | UTF-8 |
NeedsCompilation | no |
Packaged | 2021-01-17 02:04:02 UTC; rpruim |
Repository | CRAN |
Date/Publication | 2021-01-18 16:50:02 UTC |
Mosaic 1 2 0 5
depends | , R (>= 3.0.0) |
imports | broom , dplyr , ggdendro , ggformula , ggplot2 , ggrepel , ggridges , ggstance , glue , grid , gridExtra , lattice (>= 0.20-21) , latticeExtra , leaflet , MASS , Matrix , methods , mosaicCore (>= 0.7.0) , mosaicData , readr , rlang (>= 0.4.7) , splines , tidyr , utils |
suggests | covr , formatR , knitr , lubridate , magrittr , mapproj , maptools , NHANES , palmerpenguins , parallel , RCurl , rgl , rmarkdown , sp , testthat , tools , vcd , vdiffr |
enhances | manipulate |
Contributors | Nicholas Horton, Daniel T. Kaplan |
Include our badge in your README