Quiver 2 1 2 – The Programmer's Notebook

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  1. Quiver 2 1 2 – The Programmer's Notebook Set
  2. Quiver 2 1 2 – The Programmer's Notebook Pdf
  3. Quiver 2 1 2 – The Programmer's Notebook Organizer
  4. Quiver 2 1 2 – The Programmer's Notebook Series

Today I kicked-off another ten-year goal, Project 1405! This is the 'make software for thinking' goal, and since I've never made software like this before, it's going to be a long road. Good thing I gave myself 9 years to do it!. Details follow.

Software for Thinking?

Simbooster premiun 2 2 2 1. So what is software for thinking? Kilohearts limiter. It's software that I've wanted to have for organizing my thoughts in a visual manner. There isn't quite anything out there that does it the way I want, so I figure I should get started. As software development of desktop and mobile applications is new to me, the first year or so will be spent just getting up-to-speed with the available development tools.

The first step I took today was to figure out how I was going to document the entire process to help me remember what I'm focusing on from day-to-day. I thought of using Scrivener or perhaps giving Evernote a third look, but neither of those programs are particularly good for taking notes for development because of their weak formatting support. I happened to read on Hacker Newsletter about a 'programmer's notebook' app called Quiver, which on first glance looks like every other digital note keeping app you've ever seen. It's got a list of notebooks, a list of notes in the notebook, and an editing pane; it is very similar functionally to Evernote. What makes Quiver exciting for me, though, is its use of cells that contain a specific kind of formatted content, and can be freely mixed into the same note. For example, there's Github-flavored Markdown (GFM). There's a 60+ language syntax highlighted code cell. There's LaTEX support for mathematical equations and even a diagramming cell for making sequence charts and flow charts. Because each type of cell contains a certain kind of content, it avoids the endless awkward formatting that comes from rich text 'select-and-format' user interfaces. It makes writing code documentation elegant and fast! And that's exactly what I need. Evernote and Scrivener are probably OK for general purpose writing, but Quiver was designed to be a PROGRAMMER'S NOTEBOOK. Add to this many other developer-friendly features, such as the JSON-based data format, ready access to customizing the underlying CSS-based templates, cloud storage support, export to PDF or HTML, and this seems like a product with its heart in the right place. At $9 for Quiver Pro 3.0, it was a no-brainer to snatch it up.

With the documentation problem out of the way, I spent a few hours figuring out how to approach the daunting software goal itself. I came up with this:

Quiver documentation and issue tracker. Contribute to HappenApps/Quiver development by creating an account on GitHub. https://radsoftware.mystrikingly.com/blog/s3-file-browser-mac. We are an indie app development company focusing on building high-quality productivity and educational apps.

  • First, focus on making a very simple example app for several platforms. The platforms are OS X, Windows, Javascript/Heroku, Javascript/Desktop, and iOS. This will give me a really basic feel for the development tools and process.
  • The example apps at minimum should have an editable text field control in a floating window.

This is a pretty simple goal, which can probably be achieved by watching a few tutorial videos to go through the motions of setting up each development environment and generating a runnable application. Movavi photo editor 6. How do you get a screenshot on windows. The challenge is finding excellent sources for this tutorial information; quite a lot of what is easily found on the Internet are like bad recipes that have little insight into the tools themselves. Best easy editing software free. That's why I wanted to have a decent programmer's notebook; I'll be needing it to create my own high-quality tutorial references by filling in the gaping holes of most online material.

Today I started taking a quick look at Xcode and Apple's new Swift language. I'm doing a fast overview of the tools just to get a feel for its complexity and philosophy behind the workflow. The Swift language seems pretty cool on first glance, but language is a tiny tiny part of software development. The real chore is gaining fluency of the thousands of different operating system services as it relates to creating an application. I want to focus largely on the holy triad of 'events, user interface widgets, data binding' to get a feel for what an OS X app has in it, and then move on to Windows (probably Visual Studio with C# and .NET), Javascript/HTML5 as a deployable desktop app and a deployable web app, and lastly iOS.

GHDR Points Scored and Next Steps

Though I made a lot of headway, not a lot of points were scored on my Groundhog Day Resolutions goal list…or were they?

3Talked about goals with someone face-to-face!
2Made a map/model to help make a decision about what to do!
2Reduced the scope of a new task so I could start it faster!
2Posted words and photos about the goal
1Researched Programmers Notebooks
1Researched xcode/Swift
Quiver 2 1 2 – the programmer

Quiver 2 1 2 – The Programmer's Notebook Set

That's 11 points…way more than I thought there would be. That makes me feel pretty good. I'm going to continue to peck at this xcode example app building, gathering information into my OS X notebook in Quiver, until I develop a rudimentary (and well-documented) understanding of the development process using XCode. This may take several weeks.

About this Article Series

For my 2016 Groundhog Day Resolutions, I'm challenging myself to make something goal-related every day from February 2nd through December 12. All the related posts (and more!) are gathered on the Challenge Page.

Quiver 2 1 2 – The Programmer

Quiver 2 1 2 – The Programmer's Notebook Set

That's 11 points…way more than I thought there would be. That makes me feel pretty good. I'm going to continue to peck at this xcode example app building, gathering information into my OS X notebook in Quiver, until I develop a rudimentary (and well-documented) understanding of the development process using XCode. This may take several weeks.

About this Article Series

For my 2016 Groundhog Day Resolutions, I'm challenging myself to make something goal-related every day from February 2nd through December 12. All the related posts (and more!) are gathered on the Challenge Page.

I recently came across Quiver which is described as a 'notebook built for programmers. It lets you easily mix text, code, Markdown and LaTeX within one note, edit code with an awesome code editor, live preview Markdown and LaTeX, and find any note instantly via the full-text search.'
I downloaded the trial and played with it. There is much to like in this application. I am not a programmer, but I do like the way Quiver handles text, markdown, and pictures. I also like its search capabilities: 'Quiver's full-text search is based on Search Kit, the same technology used to power Spotlight on your mac. That's how Quiver can search through thousands of notes in a blink of an eye.' I also like that it 'stores data in a well-documented plain JSON format. So it's easy to write scripts to integrate Quiver notes with other tools you use. Common scripts are provided on the Quiver documentation site.' Furthermore, 'Quiver lets you sync all your notes across multiple computers via Dropbox, iCloud Drive, Google Drive, or any other file-based cloud services.'

Quiver 2 1 2 – The Programmer's Notebook Pdf

Most of all, I like that it is an OS X application. If I were to adopt it, I would no longer have to run Windows.
There is, however, one thing that keeps me from adopting it, and that is the somewhat cumbersome implementation of linking. You have to first copy the target note, move back into the note, into which you wish to insert the link to the target and the paste it into the note. It would be so much better, if you could just enclose the name of the target in double brackets, the way nValt, or OneNote, or ConnectedText allow you to do it.

Quiver 2 1 2 – The Programmer's Notebook Organizer

The author seems to be aware of this, and implicitly promises to improve the linking behavior.

Quiver 2 1 2 – The Programmer's Notebook Series

I will wait, but I am sure that the present version of Quiver (it's 3) will be good enough for many people, and not just for coders!

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